Oberhasli Breeders of America
The founding breed club for Oberhasli dairy goats
The 2025 Membership Application is now available to fill out for new and renewing members. Dues are only $12!
Check out our online resources, featuring Breeders Listings, informative printouts and helpful links!

Welcome to the online home of the OBA!
The Oberhasli Breeders of America (OBA) club was organized in 1976 in order to preserve, promote and develop the Oberhasli breed. Since the club was formed, it has been successful in raising awareness about the attributes of this breed and establishing programs and tools for Oberhasli breeders to utilize towards improving and “showing off” their animals. The OBA offers the following services and programs to its membership:
All-American Program
Premier Youth Competition
Comprehensive and up-to-date website
Swiss Belle Milk Production Recognition
A voice for the breeders!
The Oberhasli is a Swiss dairy goat. This breed is a medium size, vigorous and alert in appearance. Its colos is chamoisee (red bay with black head, legs, belly and dorsal markings). Does can be all-black in color; bucks must be traditional bay color. Mature Oberhasli does are generally 28-30" tall at the withers (top of shoulders) and weigh, on average, 120-150 lbs. Mature bucks are generally 30-32" tall at the withers and weigh approximately 150 to 175lbs. The Oberhasli is one of the most docile breed of dairy goats.
All-Time Oberhasli Milk Production Record High:
4665 lbs. of milk in 304 days (15.35 lbs/day)
All-Time Oberhasli Butterfat Production Record High:
234 lbs. (5%) in 304 days
2019 Oberhasli Breed Average (275-305 Days in Milk):
1995 lbs Milk; 73lb/ 3.7% Butterfat; 60lbs/ 3.0% Protein
2030 lbs. Energy Corrected Milk (ECM)
*source: www.adga.org